Resources for Being & Doing Good

The following 'Good But Not Religious' and 'Spiritual But Not Religious' resources are available for you to download or view and use wherever you are.

Spiritual but not necessarily Religious resources (book list)

Spirituality and Spiritual Practices That Promote Wellness

How Do You Know Your Religion or Way of Life is the Truth?

Nonreligious Invocation for Convocation

"Good Without a God"
A song written by Peter Kanold, performed by Erin Moffat, created by SoFree Media, 2014

"You—no We—Can Make a Difference"
A talk by secular humanist chaplain Bart Campolo at Houston Oasis on the importance of nonreligious community, Sept. 2013, 38 min.

"Beyond the Beliefs that Divide"
A talk by Gretta Vosper at Houston Oasis on the importance of community and building values, April 2016 (29 minutes plus 11 minutes Q&A)

"Cultivating Friendship and Community in an Age of Anxiety"
A talk by secular humanist chaplain Bart Campolo at Chautauqua Institute in New York State, part of a series on "Spirituality in an Age of Anxiety," August 2017 (52 minutes plus 21 minutes Q&A)

12 Rules for Life
An introduction to 10 of Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life at the How to Academy in London, England, January 2018 (1 hr. 22 minutes plus 8 minutes Q&A)
Jordan Peterson is a controversial figure. Keith finds value in his book, 12 Rules for Life, and thinks these rules help people live more responsible, truthful and meaningful lives. Lately, however, Peterson has become more polarizing, aligning with people on the right like Ben Shapiro, who dismiss not just the far left but the left itself, whereas Peterson used to say we need both the right and the left. He now comes across as too dogmatic and angry for Keith to recommend most of his current videos, and how some of his earlier talks are being repackaged. But there's still value in his 12 Rules for Life.
"12 Rules for Life: Jordan Peterson vs. Keith Martin" A list of Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life compared to rules that Keith would recommend.
"Is Jordan Peterson Transphobic? Are Catholics, Evangelicals and Muslims Homophobic?" by Keith Martin.

"Psychology and the Good Life"
An introduction to a Yale University course by Psychology Professor Laurie Santos on "Psychology and the Good Life," given at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Although Santos often equates the Good Life and well being with happiness, she does occasionally refer to meaning and meaningfulness, which some people would say is even more important than happiness. Some of her insights can apply to the pursuit of goodness and meaning as well as happiness. June, 2018 (47 minutes plus 11 minutes Q&A.)
For a 2 minute introduction to Santos and her course, see this ABC News clip.
"Psychology and the Good Life" Outline

"Alain de Botton: On Love"
A talk by Alain de Botton (philosopher and author) on real love versus romantic love, given at the Sydney Opera House, July 2016 (56 minutes plus 17 minutes Q&A)

"Religion for Atheists"
 A talk by Alain de Botton on "what nonreligious people can steal from religion," given at the Syndey Opera House, February 2012 (42 minutes plus 27 minutes Q&A; you'll need to back up the talk to the beginning)

"The Coddling of the American Mind" 
An abridged version of a 2015 article in The Atlantic by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, resulting in a full-length book by the same name in 2018.
The Coddling of the American Mind excerpts.
Excerpts from Parts I, III and IV of The Coddling of the American MInd by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt.
The article and book relate to "being and doing good" by pointing out untruths that are not good and that contribute to the tribalism that is rampant on North American campuses and in society.

"The Ten Commitments: Living Humanist Values"
10 Commitments for living humanist values, also adhered to by many who are 'spiritual but not religious' (SBNR), 'good but not religious' (GBNR), and progressively religious. 

Nontheistic Prayers by Gretta Vosper
A nontheistic prayer in the face of tragedy and death
From Another Breath: Prayers for Celebration and Reflection by Gretta Vosper
A nontheistic prayer for Fall
From Holy Breath: Prayers for Worship and Reflection by Gretta Vosper
Thanksgiving (a nontheistic prayer)
From Holy Breath: Prayers for Worship and Reflection by Gretta Vosper